Friday, July 22, 2011

Roatan News

In the past two months Roatan Bay Islands has really hit the radar screens of various publications. has mentioned in as on of the 'Top Eight Places in the World' to retire

'Islands Magazine' has named Roatan as the 'Number One Island in the World' to retire on

And 'Ocean Home Magazine' has named 'Keyhole Bay' a great development here on Roatan as one of the 'Top 20 Developments in the World'.

If you are looking for that location that beats to a different drummer, democratic country, mostly English speaking, cool ocean breezes, white sand beaches and aqua waters you really should look into Roatan.

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Saturday, July 02, 2011

Happy July 4th - New Helipad

There is a new helipad on Roatan, the only licensed helipad on the island outside the airport, and it’s at Keyhole Bay, where our RE/MAX Western Sunsets office is located. Being licensed means the helipad is regulated and meets all international daytime requirements. So, if you plan to arrive by helicopter, for a modest landing fee we can accommodate your visit to West Bay at the Keyhole Bay Helipad. The capacity is two helicopters at a time and we are averaging 10 helicopter visits per month, so please allow at least 3 hours notice in case flight adjustments are needed. For information, call the Keyhole Bay office at 2445-5029 or Dan Taylor directly at 9823-7922.

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