Sunday, April 05, 2009

Roatan Honduras Boomers -New Retirement alternative

Roatan? Where is that?

We used to hear that a lot. Now not so much, but still on occasion. For those not familiar Roatan is an island in the far Western Caribbean which is one of 62 cays and islands of the "Bay Islands" of Honduras.

Historically British in culture the mid 1800's in a treaty between Spain and England they went to Spain.

Until 1991 they were of little interest to Honduras. Even then of minimal interest. To the country Honduras itself they really were a place where English speaking Anglo, Blacks and a few of Payan Indian culture lived, mainly in the shrimp, lobster and fishing business.

1991 brought a change to the constitution that allowed for foreign ownership of land. They the Bay Islands were "discovered". Foreiners started to invest, cruise ships started to trickle in and what was a remote location for avid divers on the second largest coral barrier reef in the world started on it's way to beingfound by the rest of the world.

White powder sand beaches, aqua blue, warm waters, English speaking, democratic government, friendly people, had all the pieces of the puzzle.

If you are looking for that place that the Wall Street Journal ha called the "next 'it' spot in the Caribbean, you just found it. Drop me a note with specific questiona or follow my blog and get more details on this spectacular location.

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