Sunday, April 05, 2009

Roatan Honduras - retirement real estate in the Caribbean-the great escape-Baby Boomers

If you are just starting to follow my blog you may wish to start on the one just previous to this. If you want more depth and detail there are several before that. In the past blog, dated April , 2009, I gave a bit of an overview of the island. In several of the posts predating that I gave some reasons why Roatan should be on your radar screen if you are a "Baby Boomer".

Fact of the matter is that "Baby Boomers" the thousands each day that have been retiring for the last three years and will be for the next twelve. We all have some very tough decisions ahead. In many respects we are the trail blazers. The "hippies", the generation that "colored outside the lines". When we were in grammar school there was no room for us. High school much the same. Colleges and Universities exploded at the seams. Vietnam, protests, environmental movements, womens rights, the computer,................... In the 70's the government "borrowed" our Social Security benefits. To date they are still "borrowed". With the current economic crisis and huge dept coming at us, our children and grand children chances are slim funds will be there for this huge group now looking at retirement on the horizon. I certainly am no economist but I am pretty sure that printing more money will be the only way out. That of course will have us relive the late 70's, early 80's scarred with large doses of inflation and devaluation.

I guess the question for us millions is where do we go from here. Most of us just lost about half of the savings we did have in the market turndown, have a major round of tax increases, money devaluation and possible health challenges ahead of us.

If you are not investigating living off shore somewhere you certainly should be. I have lived offshore for ten years now. I hope that I can share some of the possible advantages with all that take the time to read. My thoughts are that it may be a way for many to not only revisit the spirit that had in the 60's and 70's but also have the possible key to stretching the dollars you do have.

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