Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Is Moving Abroad to Retire for You? Baby Booms -It's your Choice!

-Is moving Abroad for you?

My monthly newsletter is intended to inform you, the reader, about Roatan;
investors, adventurers, and "Baby Boomers" out there investigating the
possibility of buying, living and retiring abroad. Fact of the matter is,
Roatan may or may not be for you. sign up for your newletter here-


Some people never move past their own neighborhoods their entire lives,
happy to remain in their "comfort zones". That's fine for some, not so for
others. There then is the group that does what many of their parents did -
they make it as far as Florida or Arizona each winter. That also is fine,
for them.

For me and millions of others there are desires, and needs, to push the
envelope a bit further. I think the greatest majority desire adventure. For
some that may be challenging the expressway to get to the nearest music
festival. For others it may mean finding another country that offers "new².
By "new" I mean "NEW". New climate, new culture, new foods, new
adventure,......."NEW". Financially there can be large advantages to
moving abroad. Most Baby Boomers have spent 40+ years doing what they were "supposed" to do; they've had plenty of ups and downs and challenges raising children, caring for elderly parents, and driving down the road of life with all it's curves, bumps and accidents.

The internet is an amazing source of information. If you have anywhere from
one year to several years before you are scheduled in your own mind to
retire, you owe it to yourselves to investigate the possibilities the world
has to offer.

-Market Overview-
I believe every real estate company on the island was pretty much holding
their breath from October though January, like almost everyone in North
America, regarding the economic crisis. We watched markets like Los Angeles,
Las Vegas, large parts of Arizona and Florida and saw their real estate
values tumble. All the real estate companies here experienced slower
business than previous years and wondered "what is next"? Well, it seems we
now have the answer - not much has changed. We are all doing business,
prices have not tumbled and things are pretty much the same. There have been a few bargains from Sellers who found themselves "upside down" on their mortgages at home, but overall the market here is just fine. Sales have kicked back in. Not sure what the motivating force is; investors, Baby Boomers, people looking for second homes, vacation homes, or home sites for
future retirement homes. Some believe that a piece of real estate on the
island will be a better investment than what their stock portfolios have
produced. I believe for the most part, though, that what we are seeing is
what we have always seen - just a gap of 3-4 months with people holding
their breath. Visit us here www.roatan-realestate.com

Join Us August 17, 2009 on our "Discovery/Investment Tour"

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