Friday, February 17, 2012

Frenchie's 44/Pineapple Grill

Best of days to you. If you are new to the island, thinking about checking it out
or are a regular resident or visitor there really are a couple places you should visit for a great place to visit and a great place to eat.

Frenchie's 44 is located in French Cay, just past French Harbor on the same road as the Iguana Farm. It is a great way to spend the day, visit Little French Cay a short distance off-shore, have a drink, food or a snorkel. Not far for a day of adventure.

'Pineapple Grill' on the third floor of the tall building at Pineapple Villas you will find the best steak in the country. I know most of you are looking for great seafood. They do that also but the steak is what got me. With the same,(very expensive), grill that they use at 'Ruth's Crist's' , he brings in U.S.D.A. Prime Beef, ages it and you end up with a $70.00 'Ruth's Crist's' steak for about $25.00.

These are must do's for your visit.


Monday, January 30, 2012

House Hunters International - Roatan Bay Islands

Just a quick note to let you know that a new version of 'House Hunters International' on HGTV will be broadcast with RE/MAX Accredited Buyer's Representative, Andrew Storms.

A Dream Home on Roatan

Episode HHINT-3305H

Here is the link with the dates -

(NOTE - dates and times are subject to change)

For those who have not been here this will give you some great shots of what parts of the island look like. Those who have been here will have you booking flights :)

Best regards,

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Whale Sharks - Roatan

Whale sharks are the largest fish in the world. The largest confirmed
visual sighting has been of one over 40 feet long, weighing 21 tons, (+/- 47,000 pounds). The Bay Islands are one of nine places in the world that whale sharks can be encountered on a regular basis. There is no guarantee that you will see or be able to interact with these gentle giants but the reality of it is that you have a chance at the experience of a lifetime.

There are some hotels on Roatan that do excursions to see the Whale Sharks and there is the 'Whale Shark & Oceanic Institute' on the island of Utila. If you are feeling adventurous,and want to do something that very few if any of your friends have done, this maybe something to consider on your next trip to the island.
You can learn more here.

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Thursday, January 05, 2012

Furniture News

Furniture Stores-
For those who are buying or building here you will be pleased to know that there are several furniture stores to shop at to fulfill your needs. This month I will feature three
of these for your future reference.

‘Atocha’ is the longest established of these stores opening about 6 years ago now but servicing the island much longer now, originally shipping from the mainland. This store has very nice selection of living, dining and bedroom selections in high quality choices with various material selections including creations made of high quality Honduran hardwoods. ‘Atocha’ is located at Jackson Plaza in Mt. Pleasant. is there site.

‘MUNA’  is a new location just east of the junction in French Harbor. From Living rooms to dining sets, from sofa-beds to rockers and recliners! they pride ourselves in offering an exclusive range of home and commercial furnishings to suit your budget. Rattan, Wicker, Seagrass, Abacca, Upholstered Furniture, Aluminum Outdoor Furniture. Feel free to decide types of materials, textiles, and sizes, as well as colors and finishes.  WWW.MUNAROATAN.COM.

Also new to the island is a location at the Coconut Plaza, (just east of the airport) called the ‘Shop’. The shop has a good selection of recliners, futons and living room selections. The ‘Shop’ also carries a good variety of ‘home goods’ with everything from flat screen televisions to coffee makers, toys and misc hard to find items. This is a place you may just wish to stop in and look around to keep in your memory bank for future reference.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Honduras Shark Sanctuary

-Honduras Shark Sanctuary
Approximately 73 million sharks are killed each year, mainly for ‘shark fin soup’, a delicacy in many Asian countries. Honduras has joined other countries making their waters into a permanent shark sanctuary. This is good news for more than just the sharks.

See it here on ‘YouTube’-

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Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

From all our families to all of your families we wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Years!

We hope that 2012 will be your best year ever!

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Monday, December 05, 2011

Roatan E-Zine

For any that are interested the first ever copy of the Roatan E-Zine from Re/Max is now online.

Pay it a visit and pick your dream.

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Catch & Release Fishing -Roatan

September on Roatan is a special month. Independence Day is September 15th and is marked by parades, lots of food and drink and general celebration. Of course, it’s a holiday, so no commerce is conducted! The children practice marching and the bands practice for a month or more before the day. The girls and boys are dressed up in their best dresses and outfits, it’s a wonderful family day.

The second special event this year is the annual Fishing Tournament, which is an IGFA Offshore World Championship Qualifying Event over 3 days and this year it started on Thursday, September 15th, so Independence Day took on extra value this year. The fishing tournament attracts boats and fishermen from all over the region; it’s a tag-and-release tournament and the trophies awarded are spectacular and highly coveted. The tournament resulted in 3 Blue Marlin released by the 1st Place team, 2 Blue Marlin Released by the 2nd Place team, and 2 Blue Marlin Released by the 3rd Place team, a great success for the XIIth Annual International Fishing Tournament of Roatan. The overall champion was Devin McNab. For those of you who can’t get enough fishing stories, or who weren’t here and would like to live the tournament vicariously, go to their Facebook page for lots of photos-

See other things to do on Roatan at


Air travel to Roatan and in country

Airline Updates: There’s a new kid in town at the airport and he’s created a popular price war! Easy Sky Airlines is flying between La Ceiba and Roatan and San Pedro Sula and Roatan at this time, with plans to add Tegucigalpa in November. Also planned for November is a direct flight between Roatan and Ft Lauderdale for around $500 round trip. They are in the process of purchasing either an MD 83 or Boeing 737-300 series plane for this route.

Here’s how the airlines break down right now:
Roatan to La Ceiba
Easy Sky has 2 flights daily, 8:30am and 4:30pm on a Boeing 737-200. Price is L500 ($26) plus tax each way.
La Ceiba to Roatan at 7:30am and 3:30pm
TACA (Islena) has 3 flights daily. Price is L760 ($40) one way.
CM Airlines does not fly to La Ceiba
SOSA Airlines has 3 flights daily, 6:40am, 11.40am and 4pm at a price of L560 ($30). La Ceiba to Roatan 6am, 9:30am and 3:30pm

Roatan to San Pedro Sula
Easy Sky has 3 flights daily, which use the La Ceiba flights to connect. Price is L900 ($48), and uses the same return flights.
TACA (Islena) has one flight in the morning and 2 flights on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at a price of L2,116 ($112)
CM Airlines has a direct flight to San Pedro Sula at 8:10am, returning at 3:30pm – no cost available at this time
SOSA Airlines have one flight, which stops in La Ceiba, at 6:40am, arriving at 8am and returning at 3:30pm, arriving in Roatan at 4pm. Current price is L1,182 ($62)

Roatan to Tegucigalpa
Easy Sky plans to add Teguc in November and tie the route into the La Ceiba and San Pedro Sula flights, creating a circular flight path between the 3 airports. Price is L1,200 ($63)
TACA (Islena) has one daily flight at a price of L2,400 ($127)
CM Airlines has one daily flight at 7:30am – no cost available
SOSA Airlines has 2 flights, connecting in La Ceiba; 6:40am, arriving at 8am and 11:40am arriving at 2pm. Cost is L1,934 ($102)

Additionally, CM Airlines flies into Puerto Lempira 3 times a week, from Tegucigalpa and to Utila on Saturdays, connecting through Roatan.

SOSA flies to Guanaja via their early flight and Puerto Lempira 6 days a week through La Ceiba and Utila on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Internationally, TACA has 2 flights direct to San Salvador, at 11:40am and 5pm.
Continental Airlines, in low season, fly into Houston twice on Saturdays and in high season they add Newark and a Sunday flight as well as additional flights during the week.

Delta has one low season flight on Saturdays, possibly 2 in high season.
West Jet is a charter company serving Canada – in low season one flight into Toronto and in high season possibly Montreal and Ottawa.

There is a year round charter from Milan, Italy and projected for next high season, also Madrid and Frankfurt.

I researched all this information on Thursday of this week, and it’s the extent of what I could get each airline to commit to. Be aware that I make no guarantees that it is complete and accurate, and it could change at any time. In fact, as I was waiting to get on an Easy Sky flight to La Ceiba yesterday, I saw a temporary sign at the TACA counter with a reduced price to La Ceiba of L560 ($30). By the way, the flight was great – 11 minutes from wheels up to wheels down in a comfortable plane! I wish I could say the same about the return flight, which was 2 hours late! Anyway, I hope you now have a better idea of how you can navigate around Honduras!


Saturday, September 03, 2011

August 2011 Newsletter

RE/MAX Bay Islands Newsletter
August 2011

• RE/MAX continues to shine
• Roatan Electric Company – looking forward
• Service Organizations and Volunteering
• The Latest Investment Tour and Seminar Report
• Restaurant of the Month
• Property Picks

RE/MAX received a great accolade this month and I feel compelled to tell you about it! J.D. Power and Associates named RE/MAX "Highest in overall satisfaction for home sellers and home buyers among national full service real estate franchises." As franchise owners, we strive to provide the very best level of service to our clients and we’re proud to be able to reinforce your confidence in our company this way.

We’re also proud to recognize two of our agents, Drew storms and Henrik Jensen, who have both stayed in the top 50 producing agents in the Caribbean Region.

Roatan Electric Company (RECO) sometimes gets a bad rap, but those of us who have been here for many years remember all too well that when the wind blew hard or Mother Nature saw fit to deluge the island with seasonal rain, the power would go off and stay off for many hours, sometimes days. Yes, we have power outages now, but the power is usually restored in a few hours. When Kelcy Warren became the majority shareholder in RECO 3 years ago, he did what no-one else was willing to do – he started to invest large sums of money in replacing the distribution lines, replacing the badly inefficient generators, which were being leased at exorbitant rates, and generally improving the quality of life for everyone on the island.

Another important path the company is pursuing is alternative energy sources. Last year, they acquired a piece of land to create a wind farm, thus taking advantage of the abundant source of wind that blesses our island most of the time. As you well know, nothing moves fast in Honduras, and road easements and permits are almost completed so the turbines can be installed. The first blades arrived on August 4th, with more to follow. They will be overhauled, painted and installed in the coming months, and will provide a portion of the ever-increasing electrical load on Roatan.

Also on the horizon are plans to combine the problems of our overflowing landfill with the need for increased power output. Mayor Julio Galindo is very interested in this possibility and experts were on the island in August to assess the situation.

Service Organizations and Volunteering offer opportunities to give back to the community in all sorts of ways. Besides the abundant choices nature gives us for activities here, it’s just not possible to get bored! As foreigners, we enjoy a desirable quality of life and it’s only right that we all strive to give back to the community in some way, no matter how small. And there is no shortage of need here; whether your interests lie in education, medical care, building, infrastructure, maintaining the sanctuary of our marine life…….whatever your interest, you can find a need to match.

There is a Rotary International club in French Harbour which chartered only a year ago and has already made a big difference for so many families. For example, there was a fire in French Harbour several months ago, which left 7 families homeless; Rotary members didn’t have to be asked, they just jumped in and arranged for housing, food and clothing. They also raise money to keep the police cars fuelled and in reasonable repair so our police force can respond to needs. This is accomplished by sales of windshield stickers indicating support for the police. You can find them for sale in various places on the island, including our office in Jackson Plaza. $25, or L500, will help enormously and there are still some 2011 stickers available.

In the field of education, which is sadly lacking in public schools, there is a newly-formed NGO called PIER, Partners In Education Roatan. PIER provides education opportunities to any children who want to learn, Spanish and English classes for children and adults, a job training program and much more. The classes are voluntary and children line up every day to learn about math, science and generally how to improve their lives, and have fun doing it!

There are so many ways to volunteer to help with medical care; Nurse Peggy’s clinic, Clinica Esperanza in Sandy Bay, is the most well known. She started in her kitchen providing free medical care for local families and has expanded into a two storey medical facility, all through fundraising and volunteer care.

Roatan has its’ share of children without adequate home care, and there are facilities to address this need. Many faith-based organizations are present on Roatan and provide spiritual nurturing for so many.

Maybe you have something to give in your spare time while you’re here that hasn’t been addressed yet – the island will welcome your time and energy – it doesn’t have to be money.

See other things to do on Roatan at

The week of August 22nd was filled with the latest of my investment tour and seminars. This is absolutely the best way to find out how to purchase property in Honduras, what to expect, the pitfalls you need to avoid, meet the people you need to know who will help and to see the island from the inside out, by people who have lived here for many years. This week was filled to the brim with questions, answers, driving, eating, meeting and exploring – I think we wore out several people! We provide answers to the important questions you didn’t know to ask and can help you avoid some costly mistakes.

If you missed this week, look for the next one in February, I’ll post it on our web page with the dates when I have them set. Meanwhile, I’ll post the schedule from this week so you can see how busy we keep you – there’s a little fun involved too!

Restaurant of the month is Tako Bistro Lounge and Sushi Bar, a new sushi-plus-more restaurant which opened a few weeks ago in the Coral Stone center in Sandy Bay. Up until just a few years ago, the Sandy Bay area has been sadly lacking in number of eatery choices; Tako is the latest of several to open in this popular area.

The ambiance is delightfully oriental, the wait staff attentive and helpful. The menu offers some unique twists on island staples, for example, octopus ceviche for $8, fresh wakame (sea weed salad) for $7 or a mixed greens salad served with a perky blue cheese and cherry vinaigrette at $7.

Tako offers a wide variety of rolls from $5 to $12, or try the ahi tuna, fresh salmon or octopus sashimis or niguiris. This is a restaurant for you to step outside your comfort zone and try something we don’t usually see on Roatan. Here’s one to try: Unagui-sake tempura rolls, eel, salmon and cream cheese, $12.

If Sushi is not on the horizon for you, you can still go with friends and enjoy lamb chops, shrimp, chicken or lobster on the grill, fettuccini with seafood, or one of several steaks offered.

I must admit, Sushi is not my favorite style of food, but at Tako I have lots of choices, so next time you’re looking for a different place to enjoy a delightful meal, head for Sandy Bay and Tako Bistro Lounge and Sushi Bar.

Property Picks

Commercial condo quality built concrete building. +/- 200 yards from exit of Royal Caribbean Dock:

The home site has views for dozens of miles both to the east and west along the south shore with views to both Cayos Cachinos and the Mountain range on the mainland of Honduras:

Huge reduction on one of the finest luxury homes in the Bay Islands:
A rare find, a private 4.5 acre island:

Spectacular, Exceptional, Immaculate, Infinite Views Of West Bay Beach And The Turquoise Waters From Your Own Private Balcony. The only Coral Sands unit offered, on West Bay beach:

Check out all our listings at

This month’s newsletter is a little shorter than usual and a few days late because I’m busy flying around the world – well, Central America to North America to Canada, with several interesting diversions caused by unfriendly weather interruptions! Today is the fourth continuous day of flying and I’m very confident I will actually reach my destination of Bloomington, Illinois in about 4 hours! I’ll be back on Roatan in a couple of weeks and all will be back to normal…….you think???

New members of our newsletter readers might like to check out our frequently asked questions to get answers on commonly asked topics; you might even find an answer to a question you didn’t know you needed to ask!

To subscribe from: RE/MAX Newsletter, just follow this link:


Friday, July 22, 2011

Roatan News

In the past two months Roatan Bay Islands has really hit the radar screens of various publications. has mentioned in as on of the 'Top Eight Places in the World' to retire

'Islands Magazine' has named Roatan as the 'Number One Island in the World' to retire on

And 'Ocean Home Magazine' has named 'Keyhole Bay' a great development here on Roatan as one of the 'Top 20 Developments in the World'.

If you are looking for that location that beats to a different drummer, democratic country, mostly English speaking, cool ocean breezes, white sand beaches and aqua waters you really should look into Roatan.

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Saturday, July 02, 2011

Happy July 4th - New Helipad

There is a new helipad on Roatan, the only licensed helipad on the island outside the airport, and it’s at Keyhole Bay, where our RE/MAX Western Sunsets office is located. Being licensed means the helipad is regulated and meets all international daytime requirements. So, if you plan to arrive by helicopter, for a modest landing fee we can accommodate your visit to West Bay at the Keyhole Bay Helipad. The capacity is two helicopters at a time and we are averaging 10 helicopter visits per month, so please allow at least 3 hours notice in case flight adjustments are needed. For information, call the Keyhole Bay office at 2445-5029 or Dan Taylor directly at 9823-7922.

If you wish to read our Monthly Newsletters go here - Island Info, Real Estate Hot Deals and Steals, FREE Relocation Guide-

RE/MAX Bay Islands/RE/MAX Western Sunsets

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Saturday, April 02, 2011

Honduras Bay Islands

Here are the ‘Hot Deals’ as promised.

Please keep in mind that some of these deals are REALLY HUGE!. You have a home originally listed at $899,500 that is now $399,500. Yes not a misprint $500,000,00 OFF!. Similar deals on land, and even condos below what it costs to build per square foot.

I hope you find what you are looking for.

Home sites & land,2

Homes -,2


Wondering about Roatan? – Get your questions answered here-




Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Honduras Weekly 'E-Zine'

Below is a link for a very informative online weekly that can help fill in the blanks to a great degree in that although it covers the Bay Islands, it also gives you other news for the whole country, yes politics and all. Try it out and visit the link below. Become a member and get updated. It is a very nice site and is for a very good cause.


Keyhole Bay - Top 20 Developments

I also would like to mention that I know if you have been a reader for the past six months that you have read that I am a big fan of a development here called 'Keyhole Bay'

I mention this because it certainly seems that I am not the only one that thinks that Keyhole Bay is one of the best of the best. The below link is from 'Ocean Home' Magazine's latest edition listing Keyhole Bay as one of the Top 20 Developments in the World.

Nice my opinions are in good company.
Check out page 61

Want a great property in 'Keyhole Bay'?

Drop me a line at


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Roatan News 'tid bits'

New RE/MAX franchise opens in West Bay! Our company now has a second RE/MAX franchise located at Keyhole Bay in West End. Dan Taylor, the developer of Keyhole Bay, is the broker and Peggy Orange is now a RE/MAX associate based at the Keyhole Bay office. Both Peggy and Dan live in Keyhole so there is always someone available. This office makes it very convenient if you’re staying in or visiting West Bay, so stop in and say hello to Dan and Peggy!

Local Artist While you’re visiting Keyhole Bay, ask Kelly McLarnan about her new fundraising project, Made on Roatan Rock Sculptures. Sales benefit local public schools to buy much needed basic supplies, like books, paper, boards and art supplies, which are often scarce in public schools. The project celebrates the work of a local artisan, Naldo Amaya of Pollytilly Bight, who delicately sculpts jadeite into sculptures inspired by marine and island life. Priced from $22 to $80, these beautiful sculptures fit easily in your luggage to take home and wow your friends and family, while benefitting local children.

A Benefit Golf Tournament at the Black Pearl Golf Club will be held on February 27th. Hosted by Roatan Rotary International, this fun activity, a 4 ball scramble, is not to be missed if you’re on the island. All 84 playing slots have been filled and a waiting list started, but come and buy a spectator pass for $20 and watch the good players look great and the inexperienced players (like me) just enjoy the day! Your pass includes bocas at the cocktail presentation. The main benefiting project of this fund raiser is the PIER program and Sand Castle Library and Learning center. Come on down, it will be a fun day (and you might run into some old Dallas Cowboys on the course!).

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Roatan Island News

Island Infrastructure Improvements, part 2. Last month the RE/MAX Newsletter in part was about some of the infrastructure improvements in place or planned for Roatan. This month I’ll talk about more improvements, which should be of interest to you. RECO: there is on-going improvement in the grid system as the power company upgrades the existing lines and replaces the old wooden poles with concrete ones. The company is actively pursuing alternate energy solutions and has bought a piece of property for a wind farm, which will provide supplemental power to the grid.

The roads on Roatan are in a maintenance-only situation at this time, which is always a big task!

In 2010, upgrades were completed to the electronic navigation systems at the airport and the entire runway was resurfaced. The tarmac area was re-designed to make space for the new airlines we now have; CAA, CM and LAHNSA at the current time. Charter flights are coming in each week from Milan, Toronto and Montreal.

Roatan has 2 cruise ship ports, Mahogany Bay and Port of Roatan. The latter has been approved for funding to expand once again.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hot, Hot, Hot.......

Remax Bay Islands/Roatan Real Estate

One very HOT, HOT HOT Deal here- half priced beach front home.

Go here and take a look.........


Friday, January 14, 2011

NEW RE/MAX Office West Bay

We are very happy to announce the opening of our second RE/MAX franchise in West Bay at Keyhole Bay. This office, though owned by RE/MAX Bay Islands will be called RE/MAX Western Sunsets.

We are also very happy to announce that we are adding several new Agents and one new Broker.

Developer and long time resident Dan Taylor will be joining our team as a new Broker at
RE/MAX Western Sunsets along with several new Agents for our companies. Joining us at the beginning of the year also-

-Jorge Chavez who left Honduras as a child, spent 20 years in the U.S. and has spent the last six months as my Broker Assistant on our Apprenticeship Program. Jorge was born in Puerto Cortez, Honduras and raised and educated in the U.S. After spending 20 years in California and Atlanta he is back to his roots. The housing industry/sales has been his passion and has been a been a part of since 1996, from building a foundation to choosing the perfect color of paint. Not only can he see the potential in a property, he also has the skills and knowledge to guide you in how to make your paradise dream
home a reality in Roatan.

-Peggy Orange, originally a Professional REALTOR for 20+ years in Charlotte NC and now the President of the Keyhole Bay Condo Association. She has lived on the island full time for five years and along with Dan Taylor are the Keyhole Bay experts.

-Keena Haylock, Notary and Attorney, originally from Guanaja who is furthering her specialization as a top real estate attorney in Honduras is joining RE/MAX as our Legal Counsel, therefore joining CANABIRH, (the Honduran National REALTORS Association).

These new additions to our company join Janine Goben and me as Broker/Owners of both companies, along with Agents Wendy McLaughlin, Andrew Storms, Bob Sirios, T.J. Lynch, Henrik Jensen, and Tom Campbell.

Besides our Mt. Pleasant and West Bay Offices if you come in on a cruise ship to the Royal Caribbean dock RE/MAX is also represented just 100 yards east of the exit at the Roatan Information Center at Main Street Mall.

Please visit our new web site at –

There you will be able to go to the Brokers/Agents link, scroll down and put a face to the name of any REALTOR with REMAX on the island and connect to them directly.

Our – FAQ page can address a lot of issues to ‘newbies’ here-

At the top of the page on the right is a RSS feed, Facebook link and very cool YOU Tube Video Library covering many subjects, projects, properties and island areas.


Friday, December 31, 2010

Roatan Bay Islands Honduras Update

RE/MAX Bay Islands News
December 2010


• Island infrastructure improvements
• New Forum
• Cyber Realtor
• Restaurant of the Month
• Property Picks

Island Infrastructure improvements. There is a lot going on to improve the infrastructure of Roatan, but a lot of people don’t know it because you don’t see it. For example, there is a brand new desalination plant up and running in Coxen Hole, which runs 8 hours a day, 5 days a week to provide up to 374,000 gallons of water to the towns of Coxen Hole and towns east for several miles. The plant was donated by the Spanish government as part of their overseas program and augments our fresh water supply, which is becoming strained. It fills existing tanks and uses existing infrastructure to provide a much cleaner product. The Municipal plan is to connect 6 decentralized systems to one centralized system; the desalination plant becomes one source instead of 6. There is a plan to expand and efforts are under way to get international support for funding 2 more desalination plants in French Harbour and Oak Ridge.

The waste water treatment plant east of the airport is grossly underutilized. A lift station system is in place but only connected to 12% of the homes in Coxen Hole. The Municipal is considering a proposal to privatize this plant which will improve the situation immediately. Even more exciting is a big, new, multi-million dollar waste water treatment plant project for West End. This will be a collection system and treatment plant and is going out for bid mid-January with construction to start mid-March. The project should be completed in less than a year. It will be funded by Central Government and the funds are already parked on Roatan, so they are ready to go. The project will be self-sustaining, using seed money to create revolving funding over 10 years.

The landfill in Mud Hole has long been an eyesore and health concern with children and dogs climbing all over it as the pile gets higher and higher. There is a new landfill all ready to go in Diamond Rock, yet not in operation because there are no trained personnel to operate it correctly – no-one wants to be responsible for another mishandled landfill. The Municipal has received a proposal to privatize and assume operation of the landfills, including collection of garbage on a 30 year project. In the last two years, the Municipal has re-organized the solid waste staff, cancelled several leases of garbage trucks and purchased 2 rear-loading, compacting garbage trucks. This re-organization and cancellation of leases allowed for pay back of the Municipal funds used to purchase the new trucks in less than a year.

New Forum. There are several Yahoo chat groups on the topic of Roatan and now there is a new forum where you can ask questions, post information and all by category, so it’s easy to find information you’re curious about, or read threads on a certain topic. Want to know which ships will be in port? Or where to attend church? Where to shop or get medical attention? It’s all there and much more. Check it out:

Cyber Realtor is here! At RE/MAX we have expanded our service into the West Bay mall. Next time you’re in the area, or wondering about what property is available without having to go into a real estate office, check out the cyber realtor screen in the window of Mangiamo’s deli. This is a touch screen access to the internet to look for real estate, so you can look at any hour whether anyone is around or not. It’s the only one in the Bay Islands and is very cool!!

Restaurant of the Month is also a deli. Mangiamo is in West Bay mall, serving breakfast from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and lunch until 4 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Waffles, omelets, pancakes, even eggs benedict are available for breakfast, from $5.50 to $9.21. For lunch pick a classic or signature sandwich, such as Santa Fe chicken for $7.10, or Authentic Gyro for $8.68, or build your own sandwich with cold cuts and cheeses imported from the U.S. Salads more to your taste? Enjoy a side salad for $3.42, cranberry chicken for $8.75 or antipasto for $8.75. Plenty of choices!
Mangiamo is the place to find the “unfindable” on Roatan. I found plenty of Asian, Thai and Sushi products, as well as some of my favorite English memories: Rose’s marmalade, Heinz salad cream, Spotted Dick sponge pudding, many crackers and teas I haven’t seen since I left England. I also found Israeli, Italian, French and Irish products. And chocolates and truffles – oh my!!
West Bay has many rental homes and condos with full kitchen amenities so the deli is a popular spot for those items you may have missed in the grocery store 7 miles away. While you’re enjoying your breakfast or lunch, bring your laptop (if you simply can’t be away from it!) and take advantage of their free wireless internet. Whatever your needs, don’t miss Mangiamo’s deli and restaurant!

Property Picks For December
• Just a short note to those who may be looking for your own very little piece of paradise. I have a local gentleman looking to sell a small parcel he owns in First Bight. There is electric nearby and community water. The price? An astonishing $11,400!
You can download a PDF survey and obtain some additional details here -
We also have received authorization to reduce the Tarvisio Building at Keyhole Bay an additional 10%. This is pre-completion pricing and will not last long. This building is pretty much the prime building of the development with unobstructed views to the deep blue Caribbean.
You can get some details here- along with the floor plans for the Building that you can download.

This, in my opinion, is the top development on the island. Absolutely top end quality, gorgeous infinity edge pool, private beach, a short walk to West Bay Beach's white sands, restaurants, etc. Anyone that has any interest in that great Keyhole Bay project you may wish to watch this short video clip that just came out on This will share with you a 'non 'REALTOR' point of view also

• Very motivated Seller for this 6+/- acre property on top of the world near West Bay and West End
Over 8 acres of commercial property with 450 feet of deep water frontage. Great for a marina
7,000 square foot commercial building right on the main road.
• Enjoy the sunrise and southeastern breezes on this half acre lot.

To look at all listings go to our IDX link,2 and you will be able to search for property using your own parameters – it’s a cool tool!

I hope to see you on our next Investment Tour February 21 – 23rd, 2011!!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Roatan Honduras

Just a short note to our readers................

We announced previously the VERY HOT prices at the top residential condo development on the island, Keyhole Bay. Three units at very deep discounts have since been sold or are in escrow. If you are looking to buy it is time to act. There are only four units in the Seville and Monaco Buildings left at these deep discounts. Check them out here, write with questions and price points -

Also a spectacular deal is a 3br/2ba Hotel/Condo at Mayan Princess. Originally listed at $499K now only $285K (firm). Professionally managed, 250' fresh water pool with the complex on the best beach on the island and one of the finest in the world!

Large two level 3br/3ba Residential Condo $200,000 price reduction on West Bay Beach -

High season is here in three weeks! Above discounted prices may not be available soon. Save Hundreds of thousands and have your own piece of paradise in a very friendly climate and location.

Tired of the cold & snow yet?

Reserve your place at our 'Discovery/Investment Tour' in February. Get a break from the winter and get all your questions answered at the same time -

Merry Christmas to All and a Happy and Healthy 2011.



Thursday, October 07, 2010

U.S.A Today Friday October 8th issue

In tomorrow's issue of USA today is a nice article on Roatan with Andrew Storm's of RE/MAX Bay Islands.

See it here-

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Roatan Honduras Real Estate MLS Property

Roatan Island in the Western Caribbean may just be the place you are looking for If you are wondering 'what next'? There is no doubt many out there in the U.S. are wondering just that. The questions regarding 'what's next' , even if you are in the fortunate who are gainfully employed are many.

Anyone that dutifully saved towards retirement have surely taken large financial hits in the markets. Social Security for those in the U.S. is 'iffy' at best, the dollar amount minimal, and the inevitable inflation rate also headed our way one would think. Medical costs, health insurance costs.

Maybe some consideration should be given to a place with a lower cost of living? A part time or full time residency, (not citizenship that would remain the same) in a foreign country?

There are many countries out there that are great options. Property Taxes, medical costs, prescriptions all at a fraction of the costs of where you are. A simpler life? No snow,sunshine, breezes, a two hour flight to the U.S., a stable Democratic Country on an island that is mostly English speaking.

How about the fact that you can actually start a business here and get a U.S. IRS Foreign Tax Deduction credit of almost $100,000.00?

Millions each year make the choice and are loving it. Check us out http://www/ From there you can get considerable information on this possible life's alternative.

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Roatan Real Estate -RE/MAX Bay Islands

-Your “New” Real Estate Company on Roatan

As life does, it changes. This past month it changed for all of us at our real estate company. Roatan Real Estate has acquired the REMAX Franchise for the Bay Islands, which consolidates and combines the two companies. This is BIG NEWS for all of us and are very excited about the possibilities ahead. We will be combining the sales staffs of both REMAX and ‘Roatan Real Estate’ with myself and Janine Goben acting as the managing Brokers. We are now the largest and most experienced real estate brokerage in the entire country.

With the REMAX brand and almost 200 listings we will be able to fulfill the needs of every client interested in buying or selling property on the island. Add that to the MLS of the island and we are here for you!

For those of you who are familiar with the island the present REMAX location has closed in French Harbor and we have incorporated the REMAX name at our new REMAX company at the present ‘Roatan Real Estate’ location in Jackson Plaza in Mt. Pleasant, right next to HSBC Bank.

Please visit us when you are on the island at Jackson Plaza.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Roatan Honduras Real Estate/Experience & Investment Option

New Offerings/Hot Deals from Roatan Real Estate-

How would you like your very own little beach front condo that the Seller GUARANTEES at least $10,000 a year rental income?
West Bay, check it out –

Are you just hoping a small spot near the beach at a value price that you can call your own? Try these lots out-

Value Price for two homes! One 2br/2ba and a separate guest home BOTH for only $199,000.

3br Home/Short walk to Beach/Boat -$179K!

Large West Bay Beach Front Home Site

Your very own Cloud Forest? How about your very own cloud forest WITH several waterfalls? This property begs to have an ecological and educational use. Also perfect for a private spa or medical tourism destination. A spectacular development piece at less than $5,000 per acre!

A beautiful Home on a 10 acre estate. Hear the quiet!

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The Perfect Time to Take a Peek

Over the next few years millions of people who are taking a Cruise Ship vacation will be introduced to the island of Roatan. Few are familiar with this far western Caribbean Island but many soon will be. The "Wall Street Journal" considers it one of the top new upcoming retirement locations. Roatan is a quaint small island about 40 miles off the coast of Honduras in the Bay Islands. This mostly English speaking island in the longest tenure Democracy in Central America is pure paradise.

When you visit on the cruise you have or will plan your day on the island will be an "eye opener". Gorgeous beaches along with vista views of aqua waters with the second largest barrier reef in the world surrounding and protecting to spectacular location.
If you are considering a tropical home, second home, or land bank investment, Roatan needs to be on your list.

Visit here and get more information -

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Roatan Honduras Real Estate/Experience & Investment Option

Discovery and Investment Tour-

This summers date has been set for the next “Discovery/Investment Tour”
for Roatan. If you would like to experience the island and want to find out everything you need to decide if Roatan is the place you should be this may be just what you are looking for. Our Tour is a chance for you to see the entire island, meet with professionals of various industries that are relevant to a property purchase here in country, (attorney, accounting, insurance, builder, and others) and know that it will be a “no pressure” relaxing experience these tours are the perfect venue. Missed the last one? Make sure you make this one, This one starts August 16, 2010.

Paste below link into your browser for additional detail, email for specific questions. Plan ahead, save your spot and enjoy a tropical vacation as you learn about Roatan-

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Roatan Honduras Real Estate MLS Property

New Listings/Good Deals on some nice Properties-

I realize things are uneasy in many ways financially in the world and the stock market. Besides seeing it on the news of course the number of inquiries regarding the possibility of moving here to the island has certainly increased. Some are looking for work and that to a great degree is not an option in that the residency requirements here will really not allow people to just show up and get a job, not much different than what is supposed to happen in virtually every country. That said it is possible to buy a business here or start a business here. There are web sites that specialize in information regarding these type scenarios where you can research various information about many countries. One of these is called For those who are focused on Roatan only this next property has a ton of potential and has a motivated Seller. It offers a very nice income, (+$100,000K annually), has had a price reduction of over $700,000 and is looking for the right person or couple to
live their dream. Check it out here -

“Excuse me While I Kiss the SKY”………. Is your Caribbean Dream spectacular ‘eye candy’ views of the Caribbean, gentle breezes and a lush tropical setting? If the answer is yes this is a place you need to see.

 These spacious home sites are some of the nicest on the island. Concrete roads, underground electric and community water all await you to build the home of your dreams.

West Bay Road View sites that that you should really check out. Views of two shores on the higher elevation lots, views of miles of coast line from all sites.

Luxury condo RIGHT on the West Bay Beach.. white powder sand, aqua blue waters, swim 100 yards to the reef……PLUS $200,000 less than the other end unit for sale in the same complex!

Are you not quite sure what you are looking for? Try out this link. It has every property available today both on Roatan and Utila. It allows you to login, save your searches, do searches on homes, home sites, condos, commercial properties, development investment options. Take it for a spin this weekend and see if anything “tickles your fancy”.,2

Are you selling your property on Roatan? We would like to help. Our long established office markets on many web sites including our own top ranked site. We publish our own print materials and ads and maximize the exposure your property needs to find the right buyer. Need it sold? FREE market evaluation of your property when listing with Roatan Real Estate.
Check us out here -

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Roatan Honduras Real Estate/Experience & Investment Option

A Resident’s View of Roatan –
This is a great article from the viewpoint of new resident to the island.

Investment Endorsement-
I received this on a blog but though it may be another article and opinion for those looking to invest -

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Roatan Honduras Newsletter

Roatan Real Estate Newsletter – April 2010

-Semana Santa Week
-Picking your Spot
-Island “Tid Bits”
-Are you a Seller?
-Island Growth
-Hot Deals, Steals

-Semana Santa Week
For those not familiar with “Semana Santa” Week it is the largest Holiday of the year for those of Spanish culture. For many it started the Monday before Easter, (Holy Week) but for most the festivities start on Wednesday and the party continues until Easter Sunday. I would think depending on your opinion, desires and state of mind you may like to be a part of the party or may wish to mark your calendar and not be here for the biggest party of the year but anyway you look at it, many enjoy the week, have a great time at the beach with family, friends and visitors of the island. Good times, good food.

-Picking your Spot
I often have people looking for guidance in regard to shopping for their dream. As much as many think they are very different from others, the reality of it sorts out to very similar situations, albeit different price points. People really use two sides of the brain, that meaning the emotional and the analytical. The dream, …the reality. A compromise, agreement must be made between the two at times and buying property here is no different.

For many there are different reasons and different times in their lives that they are searching. Some wish to find the perfect vacation spot, the perfect place to retire, the perfect investment, a change in life, a change in careers, a buy now enjoy later, a land bank, a get money out of the country they are in now to another “money friendlier” location…………. they may want to dive, want to fish, want to be away from the congestion of their lives wherever they now live, away from snow, …………. Research is the key no doubt. What is your time line? What is the purpose of the search? Let us help you help yourself.

Our web site is a good place to start actually. It can give you some history of the island along with an aerial view on Google Earth. You may even wish a download a printable map on a PDF.

If you really are serious and really need to get some research done you may wish to download the “Investment & Relocation Guide” which is over 300 pages of information
all for free.
Go here to get your copy –

Island Tid Bits-
-Pristine Bay Tournament
Semana Santa week brought the first ever Golf Tournament on the island at Pristine Bay’s Black Pearl Golf Course. Guests of honor included both Pete Dye, (Golf Hall of Fame Course Designer) and his son Perry. One player stated to me that he felt it was one of the best courses he has ever played. All in all weather was cooperative and it was a great first time event. I am sure there will be many more really special days out there for golfers.

-The “Hungry Kiwi”
In the spectacular Private community of Lawson Rock many were saddened by the closing of the Que tel Café which was a long established regular stop for many who live on the island. The good news is that a new establishment has moved right in with tasty treats to tantalize the taste buds, the “Hungry Kiwi”. If you are on the island now or plan a trip in the near future put this on your list of places to visit and enjoy. Do not miss their Prime Rib Special on Friday & Saturday nights.

-The Cruise ship season will start to wind down here on the island. Although they will still come in, though in lesser numbers, the influx of the first full season of both ports being open will soon be behind us. The much needed uptick in economic activity was all but perfect timing with the economy in the downturn in much of the world, especially in North America.

-Are you a Seller?
If you are considering the Selling of your property here on the island we hope you will consider Roatan Real Estate for that need. If you wish please click on this link for additional information regarding what we can do in the marketing of your property.
If you are a Seller now or will be soon check out this link. We want to Market & Sell your Property.

-Island Growth
Real Estate anywhere can be a tricky situation. Many were “lulled” into thinking that it only went “UP” when in fact it also and most now know it can go down. Overall area by area in the U.S. many places were hit very hard, others not so bad. There are areas of Florida for example that you can get tremendous deals on property. Unfortunately some of these area have a 10 year supply of homes. We are in a unique situation here on the island. Only Legal Residents and Citizens can get mortgages. You can get financing in many instances via the Sellers but the long and short of it is we never had a “mortgage crisis”. We do not have mortgages in regard to many of the previous Buyers. Bottom line is that we do not have years of inventory on hand of anything. Although prices have dipped and there are some very motivated Sellers, the reality of it is that prices have not gone down a lot, we still have pretty good traffic and sales have proved to be steady.

We are experiencing a lot more cruise ship traffic on the western third of the island nowadays and with hundreds of thousands of extra people that visit here each year that had never heard of the place before I personally believe that we have a fair amount of “built in” marketing. Add that to the fact that we have a world class golf course that has just been completed and one that was designed by the only living inductee to the “World Golf Hall of Fame” as a designer, we get more ad space, either mentally or physically than we ever have had. Free advertising is a good thing. A lot of it as we have now will drive prices up and keep them steady for years to come.

-Hot Deals, Steals
In any market there are good deals nowadays and if you are researching Roatan as a possible place to retire, vacation or invest the below are some of the best deals out there.

Super land bank option - five acres with beachfront- $99,000 ! (Water access only)

Three Acre hilltop with views to two shores- $99,000 ! Grand estate and miles of views or subdivide and sell off lots?

1/2 acre nice beach, flat building site, water and electric nearby-

Normally I put in a condo or two in this section that has come up as of late but when I went to this link I realized that virtually all the units are VERY good deals or great locations. Take a look here and check these out –

Are you a large end developer looking for that perfect spot for the large complex, hotel, marina and the like?

If you are not sure what you are looking for but just would like to see what there is on the island maybe this is a good place to start,2
This will give you every offering on the island where you can plug in the prices, the property type, your needs and desires that custom fit you.
Timing is Perfect, Values abound, Time is now.

That is it for this time around. I hope you have Roatan in your plans for the future. Please write us if you are coming this direction or if you have questions regarding the island. We can help guide in the decision making process.

Best regards,

To subscribe to this Newsletter follow this link-

Click this link, or copy and paste the address into your browser.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Tropical Island Hottest Deals- Roatan Honduras

Three new very hots deals.....................

five acres with beachfront- $99,000 !

Three Acre hilltop with views to two shores- $99,000 !

1/2 acre nice beach, flat building site, water and electric nearby-

Timing is Perfect, Values abound, Time is now.

Paradise Purchased Properly

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Friday, April 02, 2010

Roatan Honduras Real Estate Investment/Retirement Options

If you have never heard of Roatan you soon will. With Royal Caribbean and Carnival Cruise lines investing over $130 million dollars and the far Western Caribbean Island bracing for a projected One Million visitors next season, the word will spread quickly about this tropical paradise that some call the "Jewel of the Caribbean", others "The Last Caribbean Frontier". Add a brand new Championship Dye design Golf Course and you have all the puzzle pieces that add up to a beautiful picture.

Have you ever dreamed of retiring or investing off-shore? Many do, many are. With deals like these you really may wish to consider the aqua waters, white sand beaches and the lifestyle and tranquility of this little tropical isle.

five acres with beachfront- $99,000 !

Three Acre hilltop with views to two shores- $99,000 !

1/2 acre nice beach, flat building site, water and electric nearby-

Timing is Perfect, Values abound, Time is now.

Not sure and wish to research? Please do. Go here for your FREE Relocation and Investment Guide.......... no strings, just information. Enjoy -

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Monday, March 01, 2010

Roatan Honduras International Golf

Avid Golfers this is a place you need to visit. A Pete Dye Design course with aqua blue Caribbean waters visible from 12 of 18 holes! Spectacular rolling hills with a TPC like island hole.

Nine holes of the Pete Dye design “Black Pearl” golf course are now open with completion of the course scheduled before the end of this summer. People now are able to play 18 teeing off from two different tees at each hole.

I believe at completion you will be able to view the ocean from eleven of the holes. This rolling hills, aqua views course will be one of the finest in the Caribbean.

The completion of several of the “Casita/Condos” should be within the next 30 to 45 days and this development
called “Pristine Bay” will be one spectacular operation.

I have three links on our site devoted to this operation and if this is an operation that interests you, you certainly should be on your list on “must sees” on your next visit-

The home sites are here-

Casita/Condos here-

The Marina Villas on this link-

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Roatan Honduras Real Estate Investment/Retirement Options

We really have some great new & value listings this month! Unique, beautiful., values.

If you are a boat person this just may be your perfect spot. A value priced home of good quality and condition, in a nice local area, near the golf course, in a protected area, within a very short drive to the shopping mall, restaurants and your own private dock! Sounds perfect to me.-

Do you have a beer budget but champagne taste? This fractional ownership opportunity in one of the islands top communities may be the perfect location for your vacations and investment…….

There is beach and there is BEACH! If you are looking for a great spot on one of the islands top beaches, in a very quiet area this is it-

If a hotel/condo is your cup of tea this brand new, recently completed, coveted center unit
is the perfect place for you vacations.

Are you looking for the perfect vacation/retirement/investment combo? 

This is it! Reduced by $145,000 dollars! Seller financing, the perfect beach, rental income…. it has it all!

Want future value and yesterday’s price? This remote waterfront location makes a very nice land bank investment –

This resort owner has lowered his price since listed by $800,000 dollars! Make an offer, start a new life!-

Future build , personal estate, or sub-divide? Outstanding views and breezes, three acres!

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Roatan Real Estate Cruise ships

Roatan Honduras, long a sleepy island in the Western Caribbean, is slowly
becoming the port of choice of the Cruise Ship industry. With the new
Mahogany Bay Port now open by Carnival Cruise lines and the expansion
of the Towne Center Port of Royal Caribbean thousands each week are
raving about this little known island location.

Called the "next it spot' by the Wall Street Journal and the development
of the Pete Dye Design "Black Pearl" Championship golf course the
inquiries in real estate for investment and retirement is on the
increase. Find it before the rest of the world does!
go to

Do not miss out on the "Last Frontier of the Caribbean"

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 2010 Roatan Real Estate Newsletter

- “Spring Planting?”
- The Right “Fit”
- Best Deals
- Trading Places

- “Spring Planting?”
Strange some of what you do here. I spent a few hours last weekend planting tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and radishes from seed. I realize many of you are there in the cold and snow and months away from Spring, but here it was a day that was sunny and not a cloud in the sky. I chuckled actually when I ordered the seeds on line. The tomatoes I picked from the catalog stated “this variety will produce all the way until first frost”. Hmm. No frost here,…… ever. I have to wonder how this will work out. I can honestly say that I do not miss winter much and that from someone who cross country skied for about 30 years. One of the little perks of living in a tropical climate.

The above said, it certainly has been “chilly” here, with nights in the low 70’s, though even compared to the temps I have been seeing in Florida in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. In a Zogby Poll last year it estimated that over 10% of people living in the U.S. were considering a move out of the U.S., (both part time and full time), weather was certainly one of the main reasons.

- The Right “Fit”
Sitting where I sit I see many different clients and their reasoning and motivations for buying their dream on this little tropical island. Some are looking down the road 5 to 10 years towards retirement and wish to “get in early” in regard to a place to retire to. They have options of buying vacant land as their choice, others a condo or home to visit, rent out and help pay for itself until it is “their time”, whether that be vacations or retirement some of these people may have the option of doing such with an IRA or 401K. Some are not very well traveled, the kids have or will be “leaving the nest” and they think it is now their turn to have a little life, a little adventure. These people often are on a quest to find themselves,……. once again. Having spent the last 20 or 30 years raising children they can be “the life is short, get some mentality”, which I actually tend to agree with and one of the reasons I got here. There also are those who feel their country is going the wrong direction at this time and are looking to get funds off shore to possibly help with wealth preservation or inheritance. Some may wish to set up a small business or enterprise on the island thus still earning a living, contributing to the local economy, while living in a tax free zone in this country and being able to take advantage of very large tax breaks the U.S provides for their citizens for people who live offshore.

It may just be the white sand beaches, aqua blue waters, great fishing, diving snorkeling or the relaxed island lifestyle that has been missing most of your life in the lands of “hustle & bustle”. Just thinking of not having to shovel snow again would work for me.

Whatever motivated you to have found Roatan may be the same reasons you have for considering your property purchase. We welcome you as readers and encourage you to follow your dreams. We suggest you ask all the right questions. Research, visit, and email. If the people you email do not email back, email those that do. I can help some, both with answers, and if you wish a free “Investment/Relocation” Guide, (over 300 pages) at no charge. If you wish a copy just ask and I will send you one.

If you feel you would like the convenience of getting all your questions answered all at one time you may wish to participate in one of our “Discovery Tours”. The next is the last week of February and may be just what you are looking for.

- This month’s “Best Deals”
There are so many reasons and so many deals in real estate across the globe that make it a compelling argument that now is the right time to buy. Obviously each person needs to determine and evaluate their goals and objectives at this great time to purchase.

There are 20+ options to buy home sites on the island for less than $30,000 alone. Developers here, like developers there, would being willing to listen to offers that two years ago they would have never considered. There are some very good deals out there right now and buying while prices are low and many Sellers are motivated is the perfect time.

I have compiled some choices that I feel are some of the best alternatives available for Homes, Condos, and coveted beach and water front home sites. Some of these examples have been reduced substantially. Other selections are very good values in some very nice locations.

Originally listed by another company for $599,000 this Seller just again dropped the price
all the way to $195,000. Beach front! The lot is work this price!

This first piece was just reduced $50,000.00 . It is a nice piece of beach that is shaped in a manner that would allow two buildings to be built or subdivided if one wished to.
For a piece of beach front it is value priced –

2br/2ba condo only $135,000 U.S. In West End? T his Duplex was originally listed as an unfinished project at $269,000. The Seller said “Move It Out” and reduced his price to $199,000 AND he would sell one of the two floors if someone wished to do that!. Either floor would cost between $30 to $40K to finish – price variance based on your choice of finish materials, thus ending up with a concrete constructed 2br unit in West End for $135 to $145K is unheard of.... Check it out here-

This is a very nice view parcel in West End that was just reduced $19,000. Breezes, views, water, electric a great price on something that could have sold for double this a couple years ago.

This small parcel in between West Bay and West End is a great little spot that the owners
want moved. They reduced the asking price $20,500.00.

This piece at $28,500 asking is a great spot to put some cash for the future on the east portion of the island.

The Developer wishes to move on of the newly released ocean front home sites and will discount any one you choose by 30% to the first person that closes on one. In a protected harbor a great spot for a boater.

This condo unit is top of the line in fact the President of this country Roberto Micheletti just spent two nights in it for New Years on West Bay. It is priced at over $200,000.00 less than what another all but just like it is for sale in the same building!

Want a nice piece to land bank and to buy when prices as depressed. here is 9.8 acres
on the west end of the island right on the West Bay / Flowers Bay road. Just reduced $50,000

How about a dive resort. Originally listed for $ 2.3 Million. Now just $1.5 mil. Get away from it all.

This one is definitely a jewel. Extremely well maintained. Top condition, would be a good rental when you are not here. A very short walk to the white sand and blue waters of West Bay Beach!

-"Trading Places"
I have a client that has a home on a spectacular lake in the very shadows of a tropical rain forest and volcano in Guatemala who would like to trade it for a home on the Island of Roatan or for a place in Southern Florida. If you wish additional information or have something you have and are interested, let me know.

Do you have property on the island you wish to sell? Drop us a line, maybe we can help. Our top rated web site gets considerable traffic and maybe just what the doctor ordered. Our monthly newsletters have been published for over eight years and are a great way for thousands to keep informed about the island whether it be the real estate “pulse” of the area or just to find out about a new restaurant. It has helped many sell their property here and we may be able to help you. Drop us a line and maybe we can help.

We would like to wish all our readers a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Years. We hope that Roatan is one of your “resolutions” this year.

Best to all for 2010 and thanks for reading.


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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Roatan, Honduras Christmas

Roatan Real Estate Newsletter - December 2009

This issue will be a a short one.

I wish to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Years. I hope
that all of you find a way to be "warm & cozy" over the next few days whether that be next to a
crackling fireplace or you are visiting a warmer climate.

The Holiday Season is always a time for reflection of life. A time for
realigning priorities, altering life's plans and setting new goals. This
especially true this season with economic times what they are, many without
work and unknown futures. For many a time of motivation and decision making.
My wife Nancy & I wish you all the best and hope that those who are blessed
with stability in their lives find time to be thankful for all they do have.

I realize you are all very busy, this one of the busier shopping weekends of
the year, with much of the east getting a very "White Christmas" Season as I
enter these words on my keyboard. Hopefully many of you have made Holiday
plans to fly south to your favorite warm weather tropical location. I am
sure the island here will see many both new and familiar faces.

For those of you staying in the cold and snow now may be the right time to
start daydreaming about the white powder sand, aqua blue warm Caribbean
waters and tropical breezes of Roatan. With Continental, Delta and TACA all
flying here direct it has never been easier to warm up on Roatan.

Remember our "Discovery Tour" at the end of February. It certainly is the
perfect time to make your plans to escape the cold and learn about our great
little island. -

If you need some help getting around when you visit , here is a map link -
Cruise around the interactive map available or download a PDF hard copy that
you can print and bring with.

If you need a great place to stay there are many. Mayan Princess now under
new management is a very nice resort option as is Turquoise Bay for a
slightly more remote location. I you want to really get away from everything to
very remote, Royal Playa may be the place for you. All can be found with a simple
"Google" search. If you are looking more for a private place to call your own here is a good choice with many options on

Best regards to all,

Larry Schlesser
Roatan-Real Estate

Visit our regularly Updated Web Site

Certified International Property Specialist Network Member

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Roatan Island Honduras Local Updates

1- In last months Newsletter I suggested some places to stay. There are of course many depending on your desires, standards and budgets. On the Luxury end of the spectrum, remote but still “close in” is one of my favorites. Barefoot Cay Resort is an intimate luxury retreat, including a private 4 acre cay, on the south side of Roatan. We offer beachfront bungalows and villas, and oceanview loft accommodations, with Heavenly beds, fully equipped kitchens, A/C, TV/DVD, high speed internet and courtesy cell phones. Resort amenities include on-site PADI 5 Star IDC dive center, Barefoot Divers, spa, dining services, fitness room, pool, kayaks and more. For more information, visit our websites, and

2-More new store openings at the new “Mega Plaza” Mall. Medi Centro has opened an office there. This is a satellite branch of the best hospital in LaCeiba. They send to the island all the medical specialists that you will find there. All speak English and certainly nice to lift the level of access to medical care on the island. Also new is a computer store, an optician, an industrial cleaning supply location, “Animal Kingdom” for a Vet, pet care and supplies. Things are really shaping up there. Although most places are rented out, I would think they will be in full swing pretty shortly.

3- Aeromedical Services S.A. Policy
Aeromedical Services (AMS) is a new medical air ambulance service available for the Bay Islands. This is a membership service that supplies helicopter evacuation services for medical emergencies. They are in process of
putting together their website but they do have an “e-brochure”. If you wish a copy outlining their program
email them directly here for a copy-

4-As most of you are aware Roatan is part of a poor country. The upside to investors is that often comparatively things like property taxes are very low. That said often people are called upon to help out with things like schools supplies, medical supplies for the hospitals and clinics and other organizations in need. In this instance I would like to ask for help for the local Law Enforcement. A new organization has been set up that meets each Wednesday at Pineapple Villas in French Harbor called “Crime Watch”. The goals in this instance is to enhance the ability of the local law enforcement through the purchase of much needed gear and supplies. At this time about $30,000+ dollars has been donated and the group is in process of the purchase of three used Ford Crown Victorias, 50 sets of shoulder attached radios that will have the ability to have officers communicate with each other from one end of the island to the other, much needed computers and office supplies, forensic and finger printing equipment and many other items. The goal at this time is $60,000 financially and the end results they are hoping for will enhance the security of the island keeping all more safe and secure. Please visit this site and if you have the ability lend a helping hand.

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Roatan Real Estate

There are some really good deals out there by both Sellers & Developers. (How about a house in the Premier Community of Lawson Rock originally listed $543,500 that now is only $379,000 ?). For our non U.S. dollar clients with the dollar sinking? What a great time to buy! Sometimes the “stars all align”. Great pricing, financing available in many instances, island development on the upswing………… too many reasons to not act now.

Phase 2, the water front Phase, of a development east of center island call Mariposa has just been released. The developer wishes to generate a sale NOW! There are six lots on the waterfront and he has priced them right at $179,000. BUT the Buyer of the first one gets 30% off that price. First sale only folks but if your time line is 5+ years to build this is a great place to start -

Another great property that comes to mind is “Infinity Bay”. This hotel/condo concept property on West Bay Beach is a top of the line vacation spot on the best beach on the island. For years we wanted so badly to be able to offer financing here but it was mostly Seller financing or not at all. Well, not only do their prices start at $199,000 U.S. they also are offer financing with rates starting at just 5.5%, 10 year. They also have 15 and 30 year deals. This is ironic to a degree. For years mortgages flowed easily there and none here, now visa versa, go figure.
Another developer that offers financing on the island is Pristine Bay. “PB” is the home to the “Black Pearl”, Pete Dye design course. They have it available on their Casita Condos, Marina Condos and both financing and special deals on some of their home sites. We have some new photos up there this month if you are interested in the progress, which has been substantial.

Keyhole Bay is a great spot and a bargain on a very quality residential condo or home site that has it all, (security, views, breezes, value, amenities, it’s own water and electrical supply)-
New Listings/Hot Deals-
If you are shopping on the “high end” of the spectrum and are looking for one of the best homes on the island this is exactly the place for you. This place has it all, gorgeous pretty much wraps it up-
Blue Harbor SHORT SALE ALERT ! – Some real estate people refer to Blue Harbor as the “mini Lawson Rock” Beautiful place. The developer there has beach front lots at $350.00. I have a motivated Seller that wishes to move his beachfront, prime, beautiful location listed for just $275,000. Try to buy a beachfront lot in Florida for that little money that certainly, I do not believe, will happen. The Seller says bring him an offer.
Check here for details –

Are you or do you know a big time developer? This is arguably one of the top places on the island. 135 acres of spectacular beach, reef, views and vegetation-

How about a more modest very nice home site in a very nice residential area at a very value price-

A well priced 2br/2ba condo in West End. Only $229K-
One of the best deals on the island. Would make the perfect hostile or inexpensive B & B. A beach front home originally listed at over $600K by another company is now listed at $259K and the Seller is looking for any reasonable offer-

Rare find West Bay Beach Bargain home - $180.00. Do not miss out –

If you are not sure what you are looking for you can search our island wide MLS and find your dream come true –,2

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Roatan Discovery Tour

-Discovery Tour
In last months issue I announced our upcoming “Discovery Tour”. For years, real estate both there and here did nothing but just keep going up. Understandably the island was not hit as hard in regard to price decreases as some places were hit in the states, but there is no doubt that the affect of both the economic and political situations was felt by all here. Going back the last 5+ years I believe I can easily say that right now is absolutely the best time I have seen to buy here on Roatan.

The response to the announcement of the tour was very substantial. I had no idea there would be so many serious Shoppers/Buyers/Investors on our list that would write and show interest in the Tour. Our Tour Director, Janine Goben, has responded to all those interested and would like to ask anyone who is interested to please write us as soon as possible. I realize it is scheduled for February but not only will that happen fairly quickly, with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years in between the time will FLY by. We have negotiated preferred rates on West Bay Beach with Mayan Princess ( ) so you will certainly be comfortable.

Bottom line, nowhere will you be able to get all the information you need, access to all the professional services, (Attorneys, Title Insurance, Accounting, Builders, Ex-Pats to share their experiences,…) in one place, at one time like you will on our “Discovery Tour”. PLUS you will be able to do such in a no pressure atmosphere, (we provide the information, you make the decision). AND did I mention we are talking February? Do you really have something better to do than spend your time on a beautiful tropical island in February? (February, you know the month where you have reached your limit with cold, snow, ice, and still have a month or possibly much longer left of it). Really does it get any better? Just hit “Reply” and tell us that you want to sign up. We will take it from there. We are sure you will love your visit. Sign up today!

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Roatan Feeling Pretty Positive

-Market 'Feel' ­PMA

Things here are pretty optimistic and no doubt that a "PMA", Positive
Mental Attitude, is a very important factor. The world economy and the
political situation dampened the enthusiasm that was prevalent here for the
past decade, but overall most people here are pretty upbeat. It is pretty
hard not to be actually. The sand is still white, water is still aqua blue,
the weather is warm and sunny, the people are still as friendly as ever and
economically the island will do well this coming year. The losses that were
experienced due to the economic and political situation this year will fade.
You only need to look at the expansion of the Royal Caribbean cruise ship
dock and the opening, on November 20th this year, of the new Carnival Cruise
Line port to see how life can spring right back to normal.

The mid-island "Pristine Bay" Development will have a Pete Dye designed 18
hole golf course in full operation by mid 2010, (9 holes completed by years
end- '09). The developers of this project have two successful projects under
their belt (the latest is the Antigua Country Club in Guatemala). They will
have a company called Lancaster Group handling their property management.
Lancaster is a high-end, boutique Hotel Management company. (Both mentioned
businesses can be found online). They have 350+ full time people working
there daily on construction and golf course maintenance.

Carnival Cruise lines will open their new $67 million Port mid island this
November and Royal Caribbean is in the process of investing $30 million on
the expansion of the Coxen Hole Location. The Carnival project started
construction AFTER last Fall's "economic" crisis. By next season they are
projecting up to 6,000 cruise visitors a day seasonally. Carnival Corp. is
the largest cruise company in the world running seven different cruise ship
lines, one of which is Carnival. Their new ships have a cost that exceeds
One Billion dollars with over $250 million in "kitchen ware" alone.

Basically the above means hundreds of thousands of visitors who, like many
that come here, will fall in love with the place. Then you have the Pristine
Bay Development with the new Black Pearl Dye Design Gold Course. No layoffs
there. They are full speed ahead with over 350 people working there daily.
You can swing your clubs there by the end of the year and the week before
Easter will be the Grand Opening Celebration. I know that wherever it is you
are now, some of this may sound like pretty small potatoes. For the sleepy
little island of Roatan, however, it is news that economically is all
positive for the people on the island.

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Discovery/Investment Tour

-Timing is Everything!
Last summer I announced that Roatan Real Estate would start a new program,
the “Discovery Investment Tour”. These are a great option for people who
wonder if this island is the right place for them. People who are
considering a vacation home, or maybe a retirement residence or maybe just
for an investment. These tours are a very positive way for you to spend a
great week on a tropical island, be part of a group of people who are also
wondering if this is the place for them and have a complete package of
information and qualified experts to answer any question you may have. This
type of tour has experts from all venues; an Attorney, Title Insurance
Personnel, Ex-Pats who have made the move before you, an Accountant, and
others. No pressure, no stress, just a great time on a tropical island for
you to get every question answered.

Well as luck would have it, we scheduled one soon after the economic trauma
worldwide. Obviously not much we could do with that one except maybe plan
another. We did and wham, political events. We canceled. Well now it is time
to plan ahead. They say third time is the charm. February 22, 2009 is the
date we have set for the next one. It basically is the perfect time of the
year for this. Winter is brutal north of the Mason/Dixon line, the holidays
are over, it is absolutely gorgeous here. Add in that Valentines Day is the
week before and we are set for the PERFECT time of the year for this.

We basically arrange everything for you on this end except the flight. You
will have complete freedom to enjoy and learn. Go here for an overview of
the tour - If
you have questions feel free to contact us at Plan ahead folks, this is the perfect trip at the perfect time of year. What is the worst case scenario a great week on a tropical island basking in the sun and getting away from the winter? Sounds pretty good to my. How about you?

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cruis'n to the Island of Roatan

-Cruz'n to the Island
Over the past +/- ten years there has been considerable discussion among people on the island regarding the cruise ship industry and it¹s place and future on the island. Many on the island depend on the ships as sources of income, the government enjoys the tax revenues and many who have never heard of Roatan are now able to visit our beautiful island.

The new cruise ship dock/facility in Dixon Cove, (AKA Mahogany Bay), is coming along very quickly and seems like it will be ready to go for the upcoming season. This second international cruise ship port will be a Carnival Cruise Lines location and will be self-contained, with a beach facility, many activities and shopping galore. It looks like it will be a first class facility that will provide island visitors with a pleasant visit to this beautiful island. The newly designed and remodeled port in Coxen Hole, (Royal Caribbean), will start the expansion of the docking facilities this fall (projected October start), which will allow the tendering of multiple ships. Both of these facilities are very nice and will change the island for decades.

Bottom line is that Roatan will be a much busier place. A place that despite the economics of much of the world or a political crossroads, will still continue to grow and be a great place to retire, invest or vacation. Companies of this large size do not put tens of million of dollars into a location if they do not think the island has a lot to offer. They are investing heavily.

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Roatan Revival

There is no doubt that markets in many places in much of the world the real estate industry would label as “Buyer Markets”. Roatan to a great degree is no different in that there no doubt are some of the best deals available for many years. Many Sellers are in a “buy and hold” pattern, meaning they have their properties for sale but are holding fast to the price points, whereas other Sellers are far more motivated. For years developers have been hard liners in regard to their price points. More and more are developing programs that allow more flexible offers or programs for financing which in many instances are not happening very easily in the U.S. the quality is just as great as it always been. Infinity Bay now has a 5.5% interest rate program on purchases with 50% down and Keyhole Bay is saying “bring me a contract” –

For those who are not familiar you really should visit the links above. Keyhole Bay is a top of the line quality operation a short walk from West Bay Beach that is the perfect place for a retirement or second home situation. It has the lowest price per square foot of the top end projects and has historically had a great reputation for delivering some of the most beautiful and well built units on the island."> >

Infinity is a Hotel/Condo operation that is not only a top of the line operation but also the absolutely perfect place for vacations if you are a beach lovers. Infinity Bay is on the Famous West Bay Beach. (AKA Tabyana) as in this article"> >

Another recent visitor wrote this and posted it online……

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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

International Real Estate Investment

-The “World's Bravest Country”?
Big statement, right? I had it as a subject in my last mailing and had a few of you asked about it. I pretty much let the line “hang” in that it was the way I felt but things still seemed a bit up in the air, it was such a big statement. The fact is, I do believe it. Think about it. You have this little country in Central America that decided it did not like it¹s President trying to change the Constitution of this country (like the people allowed in Ecuador and Venezuela) to a far left country where soon after they Nationalized the businesses, the government took over the radio and TV stations and now they have a situation where the leaders there are “President for life”.
When a government takes over the major industries of the country the writing is on the wall. When the teachers have a grip on the far left and not only are out demonstrating when they should be teaching, (not to mention they can get away with telling the children in the schools anything they wish), it is all down hill from there. When the rest of the western hemisphere seems to be making a sharp left, Honduras said “Hold on a minute. Not here, not in this country”.

Honduras stood up to the deposed President Mel Zelaya, stood up to the European Union, stood up to the Organization of American States, stood up to Chavez who threatened to attack, (with the interim President here saying “I am not afraid of you”), and last but certainly not least, stood up to the United States, to President Obama, to Hilary Clinton.

Wow, if that is not BRAVE I’m not sure what is. They had their aid and commerce cut off and the businessmen in the country got together and now contribute millions a week to keep things going because of the financial hits the economy took. The world is gradually changing it¹s mind, the U.S will either reverse it¹s position, (the way politicians do, without admitting being wrong), or they will ultimately loose a long time friend and ally. Honduras does not need them; the U.S just thinks they do. This place is surely the “Lighthouse of Democracy” in the World right now. Could there be any other place south of the border that you should be considering?

No one should fear coming here for political reasons for sure. Heck they had the Miss Honduras contest in La Ceiba two weeks ago. No riots, no demonstrations, no civil unrest. They will have elections in November, there will be a new President, just as the Constitution says they should.

Want political updates here? Go to and sign up for the newsletter there and you will get all but daily updates.

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Roatan Honduras, Western Caribbean, International Real Estate

These are various categories of some of the hottest deals on the island. Some of these properties have been reduced by almost half.

Land/Home sites-
How about a white sand beach front midisland lot for only $119K? or a Crawfish Rock Beach front lot that has been reduced by $115K? Maybe and ocean front Lighthouse lot reduced by $70K?
Home sites or land click here-,2

A recently reduced home, reduced by $400,000! Maybe a great beach front home in a very nice eco friendly community for only $268,000, recently reduced by $120K! These and other great deals on Condos and homes click here-,2

Commercial Properties-
Some really impressive deals here. A great commercial site, a $550,000 price drop on a resort, a commercial condo to rent out. Some great options-,2

Wish to do your own search for all the listings on the island go here then click on the MLS link –

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Golf Course, Roatan Honduras

YEAR 2011 2012 2013 2014
Average Rate $365 $401 $441 $485
Occupancy 30% 40% 40% 50%
Gross Revenue $39,420 $57,744 $63,504 $87,300
Main. + Serv. $4,730 $6,929 $7,060 $10,476
ResortShare $7,884 $11,549 $12,701 $17,460
$26,806 $39,266 $43,743 $59,364
* Conservative Occupancy Rates
* Maint+Serv Includes All Services Including Pool and Landscaping
* Economics based on Condominium B, 2 bdrm.
* These are PROJECTED returns; in no way can the resort guarantee these results.

Wow what are these? Well these are the projections from the developer of Pristine Bay for their new Marina Villa Condos, (Black Pearl Pete Dye design golf course community) being offered for sale that were sent to me this past week. This project¹s property management is being done by the Lancaster Group ( )

I realize that there has never been anything like this offered in actual published returns from here before, if there has been I have not seen them. Can they be real? Lancaster Group is both very experienced and has a great track record but the way I look at these numbers is even if they are off by half, that is one half what is listed above, you are probably looking at double what anyone else on the island is offering in real money or has any real track record of such. Sure is worth a look with prices on units starting at only $348,000. Take a look. What a great place to retire/invest/visit. If you are not thinking about the golf, diving, “beach combing”, hammocking and investing at this place you certainly should be.

Marina Villa Condos

Casita Town House Villas

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Cruise Ships to Roatan, Honduras

-Cruz'n to the Island
Over the past +/- ten years there has been considerable discussion among people on the island regarding the cruise ship industry and it¹s place and future on the island. Many on the island depend on the ships as sources of income, the government enjoys the tax revenues and many who have never heard of Roatan are now able to visit our beautiful island.

The new cruise ship dock/facility in Dixon Cove, (AKA Mahogany Bay), is coming along very quickly and seems like it will be ready to go for the upcoming season. This second international cruise ship port will be a Carnival Cruise Lines location and will be self-contained, with a beach facility, many activities and shopping galore. It looks like it will be a first class facility that will provide island visitors with a pleasant visit to this beautiful island. The newly designed and remodeled port in Coxen Hole, (Royal Caribbean), will start the expansion of the docking facilities this fall (projected October start), which will allow the tendering of multiple ships. Both of these facilities are very nice and will change the island for decades.

Bottom line is that Roatan will be a much busier place. A place that despite the economics of much of the world or a political crossroads, will still continue to grow and be a great place to retire, invest or vacation. Companies of this large size do not put tens of million of dollars into a location if they do not think the island has a lot to offer. They are investing heavily.

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